Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What are the four main personality theories?

The four main types of personality theories are the psychodynamic approach, the humanistic approach, the trait approach, and the social cognitive approach. Let’s take a brief look at each approach individually.

Sigmund Freud is regarded as the father of the psychodynamic approach. Other psychologists who followed a psychodynamic approach include Carol Jung, Alfred Adler, and Erik Erikson. The psychodynamic theory explains behavior in terms of conscious and unconscious forces. For example, Freud proposed that behavior was controlled by the id, ego, and superego. The id seeks pleasure, the superego adheres to rules, and the ego mediates between the two. Many psychologists who subscribe to this theory believe that childhood behavior influences adult behavior.  

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow felt that the psychodynamic approach did not adequately address psychological issues. Their work resulted in the creation of humanistic psychology. This field focuses on the full human and helps the individual have a healthier sense of self, which is called self-actualization.

Gordon Allport was a pioneer in the trait theory of personality. This theory identifies and measures certain personality traits. The degree to which various traits exist determines an individual’s personality. While this theory is easy to understand and is fairly objective, it doesn’t explain why or how traits develop, nor does it explain changes in personality.

Social cognitive theory suggests that individuals learn behavior through observation, modeling, and motivation. One form of this is positive reinforcement where an individual receives a reward for wanted behavior. Albert Bandura is a psychologist who subscribes to this theory.

While these are four of the models of personality theory, keep in mind that there are also other models, such as behavioral and evolutionary. No matter the model, there are also different ways that psychologists approach the overarching theory that is the foundation of that model.

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