Friday, November 25, 2011

Which child picks his nose in the story?

Thank you for asking this question! I don't know how I ever happened to miss this detail in the story before. It is a disgusting paragraph, and I found myself laughing and cringing at the same time. 

Ravi is the child picking his nose. 

Ravi heard the whistling and picked his nose in a panic. . . 

The paragraph goes on to explain that Ravi is attempting to burrow his way further into a hiding spot. He is trying to hide from Raghu, but his hiding spot is not so great. While Ravi is attempting to burrow into his hiding spot, his finger burrows its way into his nose. The text says that it gave Ravi comfort because his finger had found a secure, deep, "soft tunnel."  Gross. 

Despite the comfort of his nasal cave, Ravi is still scared of Raghu finding him. The paragraph ends by telling readers that Ravi is now so frightened that he is swallowing small snot balls.  His finger probably helped push them that direction. 

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