In Brave New World, the Controller has made a conscious decision to give people what he calls happiness rather than to permit them to experience their full humanity, which would involve allowing the experience of negative emotions and suffering. Conformity is more important than individualism, and, in fact, individualism is treated as a problem. People are conditioned to want to consume as many goods as possible to keep the factories and the economy going strong. What this leads to is a trivial culture preoccupied with entertainment. A trivial culture focuses on the trivial or unimportant aspects of life, such as buying a new green plastic belt or going to a mindless love drama. This is what people care about in the novel. They are preoccupied with entertainment, meaning that what matters most to them is staying amused. When they are not working, people want, for example, to be playing complicated games with lots of equipment, attending an orgy or taking soma. They want to be entertained, which means letting someone else do the thinking while they enjoy shallow, escapist pleasures that don't inspire them to think about the harder questions of life. Some would say our own culture has the same problem, more preoccupied with celebrities and mindless entertainment (cat videos) than tackling the bigger problems that face us or thinking about issues of substance or meaning.
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