Friday, September 11, 2015

What are Morrie's rules for love and marriage in Tuesdays With Morrie?

In the book, Morrie shares with Mitch his rules for a happy marriage. He tells Mitch that most people don't really understand what love is, and he asserts that marriage is essentially a test of one's character.

Morrie informs Mitch that respect is the key to happiness. He believes that it is essential that married people respect their partners. Morrie also maintains that the ability to compromise is essential to securing peace and harmony within a marriage.

He tells Mitch that couples need to share a common set of values in order to preserve their marriage from divorce. The most important value a married couple should share is a strong belief in the importance of their marriage. Most of all, couples also need to be honest with each other and to be able to talk openly about problems within the marriage. Morrie's motto for marriage is 'Love each other or perish.'

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