When Julia, who is experienced at setting up affairs, wants to get Winston's attention, she first looks at him, which frightens him. He thinks she is a spy, and he knows he has committed thought crimes against the state, not to mention keeping a journal. Julia, who works in Minitrue with Winston, though in a different department, then pretends to stumble and falls down. Her arm is in a sling. As Winston helps her up, thinking she is pain, he has his first flash of human sympathy for her. When he takes her hand to help her, she slips a note into it. The note, which Winston reads later, says "I love you." This definitely catches his notice and also illustrates how much effort and subterfuge is involved in the simplest of human contacts. At the time of contact, Winston doesn't yet know her name, but Juliahas started to become a distinct person to him.
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