Sunday, January 24, 2010

What is a quote from Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer that shows that Tom is naïve?

Intriguing question! In the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, numerous quotes throughout the book demonstrate Tom being naïve.

Foremost, Tom is shown as naïve when it relates to his superstitious beliefs. For example, Tom believes that actions must be done in certain ways or during certain times due to superstition. Tom fears that if he does not follow his superstitious beliefs that his plans will go awry. For example, while searching for buried treasure, Tom illustrates that his idea is not wrong, but that witches are interfering with his plan. As the text reveals:

“It is mighty curious, Huck. I don’t understand it. Sometimes witches interfere. I reckon maybe that’s what’s the trouble now.”

Furthermore, Tom is naïve about relationships, especially marital relationships. This is especially seen in his relationship with Becky Thatcher and his conversations with Huck. For example, Tom believes that he will find a girl that never argues with him. Furthermore, he illustrates that when he is married, Huck will simply come live with them. As Tom’s conversation with Huck reveals:

“'Only if you get married I’ll [Huck] be more lonesomer than ever.’

‘No you won’t. You’ll come and live with me [Tom].'”

Thus, Tom appears naïve throughout the story. Although Tom is quite clever, his naïve beliefs impact his actions. For example, Tom often blames supernatural forces for plans going awry, instead of realizing his own planning flaws. Furthermore, he appears naïve about marital relationships, perhaps due to his own lack of parents.

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